Health for Healing ProfesSionALS

Sustainable Weight Loss Minus The Overwhelm

Are you a healthcare professional struggling to manage stress and achieve your ideal weight?

Download your free guide!

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Lose Your Obsession with Food

Are you ready to stop obsessing about food? Are you fearful of the negative health consequences of being overweight?

Dr. Z is a Life and Weight Loss Coach who focuses on helping healers who are ready to abandon yo-yo dieting and live a life of abundance.

Any of this sound like you?

  • I love my job, but the stress makes me overeat and gain weight.

  • I feel guilty taking time for myself, when so many people depend on me.

  • I should know how to do this; I am a doctor, after all.

  • I feel like I'm always on the go and never have time to eat healthy or exercise.

I used to struggle with exactly the same thing.

As a busy doctor, every minute of my day was consumed by obligations. The relentless mental and physical exhaustion from being everything to everyone left me with no energy for self-care.

I was gaining weight, my blood pressure was rising, and I was on the brink of becoming pre-diabetic.

Despite believing I could handle it on my own, I was stuck. Nothing was working, and I felt like I was drowning.

I needed a change, hiring a coach was the perfect place for me to start.

Could it be the same for you?

Real people. real results.

What others say:

"Dr. Okia has coached me on my struggles with emotional eating, dealing with time management as a physician and mother to small children. She is an invaluable resource helping physicians reach their full potential."

- Inna Y

"Zelda provided coaching for me that truly moved me forward, helped clarify my vision, and set the foundation for success in many of life's areas.

It is rare to find a coach with the humility, knowledge, and wisdom that Zelda has."

- Tony M

"I really enjoyed the presentation from Dr. Zelda and my husband said 'Thank you for your heartfelt knowledge, wisdom, and understanding concerning our health conditions.'"

- Yolanda H.


Zelda Okia, MD

Call me Dr. Z! I'm a life and weight loss coach dedicated to helping high-achieving professionals who are passionate about caring for others.

My clients want to lose weight, feel great, and live their best lives ever!

  • Are you burned out, overwhelmed, and emotionally depleted? I can help

  • Do you overeat to cope with emotional exhaustion? I can help.

  • Are you ready to ditch the overwhelm, create freedom and flexibility in your busy schedule, and finally enjoy the life you worked so hard to create? I can help.


Choose your path


Behavior Changes to Spur Weight Loss

Here are 6 tips that can help if you are struggling to even begin your weight loss journey.

These simple tips may be the catalyst you need to start making changes in your life.

All of your choices stem from your thoughts and feelings, and the actions you take ultimately determine the outcomes you create.

So, allow yourself to view these steps as simple and easy to follow. Take each step as it comes, and don't beat yourself up for any setbacks. Be kind and loving to yourself and others.

1 on 1 coaching

Coaching experience

My 18-week Weight Management Program

begins with Positive Intelligence (PQ), a 6-

week program designed to help busy

professionals who struggle with their weight.

PQ trains your brain to think more positively

and develop new mental pathways that are

helpful to achieve and sustain weight loss.

To learn more, click the link below:

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